GNAO London and Area Home Page
Oxford, Perth, Middlesex, Elgin, Huron
Chapter Executive:
President- Carol Miller Email
President Elect- Amanda Dodge Email
Membership Chair- Marion Nagel Email
Treasurer- Patricia MacKay Email
Secretary- Patricia MacKay Email
Education Chair- Ann Jarvie Email
Editorial Committee Chair-Judy Tigert Email
GNAO London and Area Chapter
We are an active and vibrant group advocating for a high standard of nursing care for older persons. We promote professionalism in gerontological nursing practice through ongoing education and support to our members.
We invite you to attend any of our chapter educational events. You do not need to be a member to attend. If you are interested in finding out about recent and/or upcoming activities please contact us. These educational activities are a great way to meet other professionals like you, who have a strong interest in the older adult.
We welcome new members to our chapter at any time. We also have a chapter executive that meets regularly. If you are interested in joining our chapter, or the executive, please contact either or the chapter president at the above-listed e-mail address, for further information.
Click here for Chapter Annual Report
Hello GNAO London and Area Chapter Members! We’d like to let you know that you can now stay up-to-date with Chapter news, as well as great events promoting geriatric health and care in the London area by following us on Twitter @GNAOLondon and by liking us on Facebook: GNAO – London & Area Chapter
Our Future… depends on professionals like you!
Nursing the older adult requires a commitment to the specialty;
a professionally enriching network; and a desire to make a difference.

Chapter News and Events
Watch this space for news and upcoming events.
We invite you to attend any of our chapter educational events. You do not need to be a member to attend. If you are interested in finding out about recent and/or upcoming activities please contact us. These educational activities are a great way to meet other professionals like you, who have a strong interest in the older adult.