Forming a New GNAO Chapter
If you are interested in forming a local GNAO chapter we are here to help!
To explore the feasibility of forming a GNAO chapter you will need a small group of interested colleagues (3-4) committed to this area of specialty practice and to the benefits of having a chapter of the GNAO in your local area. This committee takes a leadership role in coordinating the initial meeting and contacts organizations, agencies, groups, and colleagues …
anyone who works with older persons and/or is interested in gerontology.
We provide a step-by-step process relative to this process, from initially forming a steering committee, to having a first general meeting, to the final step of signing a “letter of agreement” with the Provincial Board of Directors.
We also provide: seed money for start-up costs, promotional materials, contact information of other GNAO members living in your area, other documents relative to the chapter expectations and commitment, and ongoing encouragement and support.
Please email us for further information.