Submit your application online

GNAO Membership Application/Renewal

The Gerontological Nursing Association Ontario (GNAO) welcomes all classes of RNs, RPNs, retired or student, as well as allied health care workers (professional and non-regulated).

Please Note: Members who have joined GNAO through either RNAO or RPNAO are NOT required to complete this online form.  Please complete this form ONLY if you are choosing to join GNAO separate from these groups.

Step #1 (Information)

[contact-form-7 id="946" title="Membership Application"]

Step #2 (Payment)

For Direct Members Only. Please do not complete this step if:
1) Your GNAO membership and payment are being connected through the RNAO or RPNAO or:
2) You are joining as a GNAO Student Associate member and you are currently a student member of the RNAO or RPNAO.

Please make payment for membership below through Paypal after submitting your application or submit a cheque within 14 days to:

Gerontological Nursing Association Ontario
PO Box 64009, Royal Bank Plaza
Toronto, ON M5J 2T6

NOTE: Your membership application will only be processed after we receive confirmation of payment.

Select the Membership Type you are applying for.

* Those applying for RNAO or RPNAO Student Member Status need not complete this step.

Thank you! We look forward to having you as a member!
